Our Policies

  1. The Bible as the Word of God: the Bible is the definition of all truth and morality. The biblical worldview is the reference for our curriculum development, behaviour, and life outlook given to our students.
  2. Excellence: Wellspring Academy aims at fostering a spirit of excellence in:
    • Academics: With an academic programme that integrates God’s word with every part of the curriculum and maintains the highest accreditation standards
    • Spiritual Life: With a community of believers where people are authentically impacted and receive God’s grace.
    • Life on Campus: With support, care, and concern of the Wellspring Academy community for each other seek to demonstrate the practical outworking of Christian faith.
  3. Social Responsibility: Wellspring Academy strives to produce citizens with a high sense of social responsibility characterised by:
    • Respect for Property: A sense of responsibility towards individual, school, and public properties
    • Care and Service: A sense of care and service towards each other’s needs at a physical, spirituals and psychological level
    • Biblical Values: Commitment to Biblical values of family, community, and nation
  4. Spiritual Development: Wellspring Academy endeavours to help every student to
    • Develop a living relationship with Jesus Christ
    • Discover and develop his/her God-given talents and calling
    • Take part in making God known 
  5. Stewardship of Resources, Talents, and Environment: Wellspring Academy makes every effort to foster the spirit of integrity, honesty, accountability and transparency in the management of resources and talents. The staff and management are the embodiment of that spirit.
  1. Wellspring Academy is committed to developing and maintaining a high academic standard. Recognising the nature and character of God is central to understanding of all areas of the curriculum.
  2. The aims and objectives of the Cambridge Curriculum will be strictly adhered to so that students’ knowledge and understanding of all areas progresses in a comparable way to that of other schools.
  3. The curriculum will be complemented by accredited international literacy and numeracy programmes, which encourage the problem solving and critical thinking skills essential for developing leaders.
  4. The curriculum will consist of units of work, which have been prepared after much thought and prayer in order to develop concepts as they relate to the character of God and His purpose for our lives.
  5. In order to maintain a high academic standard all classes in Wellspring Academy are limited to 26 students. This maximises the time teachers can spend with each child enabling them to differentiate learning as they recognise and nurture each child’s individual God-given talents.
  6. Teachers will use a variety of teaching and learning strategies based on Biblical principles including not just traditional methods, but those encouraging active participation and development of cognitive skills.
  7. The aims and objectives in the planning process will include
    1. Values and attitudes (recognising the nature and character of God within the topic)
    2. Cognitive, social, emotional and physical skills related to the topic area
    3. Knowledge related to the particular topic area
    4. Understanding of the topic area and the processes within it
    5. Wisdom in how to respond to the revelation God gives in these areas
  8. Parents and students can check academic progress using Academic Bridge: http://academicbridge.xyz
  9. Students must take proper care of all textbooks and school property. Students are responsible for their books and will be charged replacement fees if the book is damaged or lost.
  10. Hand in homework on time
  11. For more information about our grading scale, click here

Wellspring Academy students must arrive at school at 7:10am. After 7:10am, the gates to the school will be closed and students who are late will be sent back home with their parents. Students are expected to attend classes for the full school day. A missed classroom experience cannot be recaptured although the missed assignments may be completed.

In cases of excused absences or excused tardiness, it is the responsibility of the student to get the assignments. If a student misses class on the day of a test or quiz, they should be prepared to take that test or quiz upon their return.

Students are expected to take the initiative to consult with their teacher upon their return. If a student misses class on the day homework is due, that assignment is due the day they return.

Students must be picked up from school between 4:00pm and 5:00pm for secondary students and by 2:00pm for primary students. Failure to pick up students at the time indicated will result in a 10,000rwf fine for each hour students are still on campus.

Excused Absences

  • Excused absences include sickness, doctor, or dental appointment, death in the family, court summons, planned absences, and extenuating circumstances as approved by the administration.
  • To have an absence excused, students must take a note to the school office/teacher and exchange it for an admit slip that allows entry to classes. The note written by a parent must include: student’s first and last name, date of absence, reason for absence and parent’s signature. Failure to bring a note will result in an infraction.
  • Make-up work: It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assignments missed. A student will be allowed one class day to turn in make-up work for each class day absent.
  • The student must meet with the teacher to schedule a time for a test make-up.


  • All students will be expected to arrive in school between 6:45am and 7:10am. The gate will be closed at 7:10am sharp
  • Students who arrive at school after 7:10am will return home with their parents

Uniform: Students are required to appear neat, tidy, and clean at all times and must be dress in the correct school uniform.

No adjustments are allowed to be made on the school uniform. Complete school uniform should be worn appropriately at all times.

Shirts and sport t-shirts are to be tucked in at all times. No t-shirt may be worn under the school shirt.

Ties must be tied and neatly pulled up to the collar of the shirt.

Plain black shoes must be worn and shoes should be polished.

The standard school socks should be worn. No white or other coloured socks may be worn.

Jewellery: Watches may be worn, but no other jewellery is permitted. No bracelets may be worn.


  • Boys: Clean, combed, short, natural-looking colour
  • Girls: Clean, pulled back, natural-looking colour, no big or coloured hair bands

Make-up: No make-up may be worn. No artificial nails are allowed. Nails are to be kept short and clean. The nail may not exceed the top of the finger in length. No nail polish is allowed.

  1. Students who persistently fail to adhere to the standards as set out in the discipline policy or are involved in a serious violation of standards may be suspended by the Principal pending consideration by the Board.
  2. The policy is based not on punishment, but on developing responsibility and recognising how all actions have consequences. Under NO circumstances will any child be physically punished. The emphasis is on:
    • Openly admitting mistakes and taking the consequences (confession, contrition, amendment)
    • Learning from mistakes and moving on
    • Recognising how learning has taken place
    • Celebrating growth and achievements
  1. These students are a treasure which God has entrusted to us to develop their potential and encourage them in fruitful lives.
  2. There will be a regular review of the Discipline Policy as necessary and staff will follow the procedures set out in the SMT Operations Manual.

All parents and sponsors will agree to support the school in upholding the Discipline Policy. Failure to do so will result in parents being requested to withdraw their child after due process as set out in the SMT Operations Manual.

The Student Council is composed of elected student representatives and a liaison teacher. It has a highly active and functional role. Its purpose is not to govern the students, but in collaboration with the liaison teacher, to serve as a bridge between the student body and the administration.

Students should feel free to approach prefects with suggestions and/or concerns which will be presented at council meetings or directly to administration.

The Student Council has leadership posts in the following areas:


Head Monitor

Head Boy

Assistant Head Boy


Assistant Head Girl

Academic Prefect

Spiritual Growth Prefect

Assistant Spiritual Growth Prefect

Health and Welfare Prefect

Assistant Health and Welfare Prefect

Information Prefect

Environmental Prefect

Sports and Entertainment Prefect

Assistant Sports and Entertainment Prefect


Wellspring Academy is an English-language school. Students are expected to use English on campus with the exception of French and Kinyarwanda classes.